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Bowker, Matthew A. 2007. Biological Soil Crust Rehabilitation in Theory and Practice:An Underexploited Opportunity Restoration Ecology 15(1): 13-23.


Bowker, M.A., Belnap, J., Davidson, D.W., and H. Goldstein. 2006. Correlates of biological soil crust distribution across acontinuum of spatial scales: support for a hierarchical conceptual model. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 152-163.

Gitlin, A.R., Stchultz, C.M., Bowker, M.A., Stumpf, S., Paxton, K.L., Kennedy, K., Munoz, A., Bailey, J.K., and Whitham, T.G. 2006. Mortality Gradients within and among Dominant Plant Populations as Barometers of Ecosystem Change During Extreme Drought. Conservation Biology 20: 1477-1486.

Johnson N.C. and Gehring, C.A. 2006. Mycorrhizas: Symbiotic mediators of rhizosphere and ecosystem processes. In: Z. Cardon and J. Whitbeck (editors).The Rhizosphere: an Ecological Perspective. Academic Press (in press).

Johnson, N.C., Hoeksema, J.D., Bever, J.D., Chaudhary, V.B., Ghering, C., Klironomos, J., Koide, R., Miller, R.M., Moore, J., Moutoglis, P., Schwartz, M., Simard, S., Swenson, W., Umbanhowar, J., Wilson, G., and Zabinski, C. 2006. From Lilliput to Brobdingnag: Extending Models of Mycorrhizal Function across Scales. BioScience 56(11):889-900.

Schwartz, M.W., Hoeksema, J.D., Gehring, C.A., Johnson, N.C., Klironomos, J.N., Abbott, L.K., Pringle, A. 2006. The promise and the potential consequences of the global transport of mycorrhizal inoculum. Ecology Letters 9:501-515.


Bowker, M.A., Belnap, J., Davidson, D.W., and S.L. Phillips. 2005. Evidence for micronutrient limitation of biological soilcrusts: potential to impact aridlands restoration. Ecological Applications 15: 1941-1951.

Evans, G., Evans, J., Redman, A., Johnson, N.C., Foust, R.D. Jr. 2005. Unexpected beneficial effects of arsenic on corn roots grown in culture. Environmental Chemistry 2:167-170

Johnson, N.C., Wolf, J., Reyes, M.A., Panter, A., Koch, G.W., and Redman, A. 2005. Species of plants and associated arbsucular mycorrhizal fungi mediate mycorrhizal responses to CO2 enrichment. Global Change Biology 11:1156-1166.

Langley, J.A., Johnson, N.C., and Koch, G.W. 2005. Mycorrhizal status influences the rate but not thetemperature sensitivity of soil respiration. Plant & Soil 277:335-344.

Olsson, P.A., and Johnson, N.C. 2005. Tracking carbon from the atmosphere to the rhizosphere. Ecology Letters 8:1264-1270


Bowker, M.A., Belnap, J., Rosentreter, R., and Graham, B. 2004. Wildfire-resistant biological soil crusts and fire-induced loss of soil stability in Palouse prairies, USA. Applied Soil Ecology 26:41-52.

Korb, J. E., Johnson, N.C., and Covington, W.W. 2004. Slash pile burning effects in restoration areas. Restoration Ecology. 12(1): 52-62.


Johnson, N.C., Rowland, D.L., Corkidi, L., Egerton-Warburton, L.M., and Allen, E.B. 2003. Nitrogen enrichment alters mycorrhizal allocation at five mesic to semiarid grasslands. Ecology 84(7):1895-1908.

Korb, J.E., Johnson, N.C., and Covington, W.W. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizal propagule densities respond rapidly to ponderosa pine restoration treatments. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:101-110.

Wolf, J., Johnson, N.C., Rowland, D.L., and Reich, P.B. 2003. Elevated CO2 and plant species richness impact arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities. New Phytologist 157:579-588.

Johnson, N.C., Wolf, J., and Koch, G.W. 2003. Interactions among mycorrhizae, atmospheric CO2 and soil Nimpact plant community composition. Ecology Letters 6:532-540.


Bowker, M.A., Reed, S.C., Belnap, J., and Phillips, S.L. 2002. Temporal variation in a community composition, pigmentation,and Fv/Fm of desert cyanobacterial soil crusts. Microbial Ecology 43:13-25.

Davidson, D.W., Bowker, M.A., George, D., Phillips, S.L., and Belnap, J. 2002. Treatment effects on performance of N-fixing lichens indisturbed soil crusts of the Colorado Plateau. Ecological Applications 12(5):1391-1405.


Bowker, M.A., Stark, L.R., McLetchie, D.N., and Mishler, B.D. 2000. Sex espression, skewed sex ratios, and microhabitat distrubtion in the dioecious desert moss Syntrichiacaninervis (Pottiaceae). American J. Botany 87(4):517-526.


Johnson, N.C. 1998. Responses of Salsola kali and Panicum virgatum tomycorrhzial fungi, phosphorus and soil organic matter: implications forreclamation. J. Applied Ecology 35:86-94.


Johnson, N.C., Graham, J.H., and Smith, F.A. 1997. Functioning of mycorrhizal associations along themutualism-parasitism continuum. New Phytologist 135:575-585.

Johnson, N.C. and D.A. Wedin. 1997. Soil carbon, nutrients, and mycorrhizae during conversion of dry tropical forest to grassland. Ecological Applications 7(1):171-182.


Johnson, N.C. 1993. Can fertilization of soil select less mutualistic mycorrhizae? Ecological Applications 3(4):749-757.


Johnson, N.C., D. Tilman, D. Wedin. 1992. Plant and soil controls on mycorrhizal fungal communities. Ecology 73(6):2034-2042.